Friday, 18 December 2015

Fit and Healthy Friday's week #6

22 weeks pregnant with baby no#5

Exercise completed: 1 set of arm weights, 3 power walks, 2 sets of squats
Exercise goals: I've got 101 excuses to not doing much exercise this week. We have had a really tough week for a few reasons and right now we are in the middle of one of the worst heatwaves I've ever experienced. Exercising outside is getting pushed aside in favor of sitting in front of our air con. My goal for next year is to make exercise a daily habit even if it is only for 10-15 minutes. We went to our favourite beach spot this week and it was so nice. I got lots of walking done that day. 

Weight gained this week: 1kg! EEk Hopefully weight gained in all the right places!
Total weight gained so far this pregnancy: 7.4kg. 

A few sample days menus of exactly what I ate:
*Keep in mind I'm pregnant, so in no way am I restricting calories, I eat until I'm full. I'm focusing on nourishing my baby, keeping my blood sugar levels stable (sugars low, adding protein with every main meal) and keeping my weight gain steady. 

I've been keeping a food journal where I write down everything I eat. If you have ever done this, it can be shocking at times! I can't believe how much or what I eat some days! And it helps me to see the bigger picture of what I'm eating. I can tell my 'weaker' times of the day when I tend to eat more and it helps me to focus better the next day on what I'd like to eat. 

Day one.
B:Baked eggs and popped beans (X0) - A Jamie Oliver recipie I tried. 

 MT: Chocolate muffin in a mug (S)
L: Pumpkin and Oat Pancakes (X0) I smothered these in maple syrup and went crazy overboard...but they were so yummy!
AT: Raw protien balls (S)
T: Curried chicken and rice with spinach (white rice is off plan)
S: Berries with chia pudding and a few raw protien balls (S)  

Day two.
B: Omelet with tomato (S)
MT: Apricots (E)
L: Quinoa and chick pea salad. 3 small apricots (E)
AT: Corn thins with tomato (E)
T: Tortillas on a plate (S)
S: Dark chocolate (S)    

  *The letters S, E and XO are types of meals from the health book "Trim Healthy Mama Plan" by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison. 
*B = Breakfast, MT = Morning Tea, L = Lunch, AT = Afternoon tea, T = Tea (our main meal), S = Supper (I can't survive without a snack in evening when I'm pregnant) 

Food goals:
Try not to eat wheat!!!! I am intolerant. I made apple muffins for the children a few times this week and ate some. My stomach suffered for days. I want to make try a raw 'cheese cake' made with cashew nuts instead of cream cheese for Christmas. 

See you next Friday! 

Blessings, Peta 

How about you
Have you ever kept a food journal? Comment below, I love hearing from the people who read these

Monday, 14 December 2015

A day in the life of us

So what goes on here on an 'average' day? You are about to find out! I decided to record down everything I did in a day. Funnily enough it was a pretty basic day and nothing disastrous happened. This was recorded a few weeks ago mid week on a home schooling day. 

5.20am - Holly wakes and I get her a bottle, then put her back to bed, she goes back to sleep thankfully.
7am - I slowly get out of bed and can hear hungry little people rummaging in the kitchen. Luke is already up and has given them nutri grain, milk and banana.
- I turn vision radio on on my ipad (we listen to Vision everyday, it is so encouraging and has helped to strengthen my faith)
- I drink lemon juice in a cold glass of water and write a little to do list

- I cook and eat an omelet and drink green tea.
- Arrow has done his morning chores already! I'm super impressed! (get dressed and 'make' his bed, put PJ's under pillow)
- I shower, get dressed, take supplements and make our bed. I put on a little make up and moisturiser. 
 - I put on a load of washing
- I motivate Francis to do his chores, Luke has dressed Savannah and they all go outside to play.
- They are reading scripture on Vision radio 'God is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love' - I wonder if I can be like this to my children. 

8:45am - Francis wants to look at his schedule, I pull it out and he reads it over. Arrow and Savannah want rock melon. I tell them to wait until morning tea time, they don't really like that idea. I get Holly dressed. 
8:50am - Francis is suppose to practice piano but today he practices drums, all the children have a go on one of the instruments, I even get out the guitar but only for 5 mins. Luke leaves for a short morning shift at work. 



Holly doesn't like to miss out on anything!

9.10am - Discipleship time: I read a Bible story from the book The Lamb. We talk a little about it and pray a short prayer for our day.

9.25am - I work with Francis on his LEM phonics workbook; he does 2 pages. Arrow and Savannah are doing puzzles at the table with us. I sit Holly in her booster seat and give her a snack.
- I play a little board game with Arrow in his room.
- I listen to Francis' reading.
Savannah loves to draw during school time, yes that's texta on her face

10am - Morning tea and outside play. The children have cut up rock melon and some 'healthy' corn chips. I have a green tea and a bowl of fruit with a little coconut yoghurt and sit outside to watch Holly in the sandpit. 
- I hang out the washing and put a new load on then kick the soccer ball with Arrow.
- Holly has a dirty nappy, I take her inside to change her, she doesn't like it and I have a wrestling match with a poopy monkey. 
In case you didn't guess...they are 'transforming' according to Francis.

10.35am - Francis is asking me to play a board game with him. I agree. Arrow plays too and one boy cannot handle not winning and has a meltdown while stubbornly trying to cheat every 2 seconds. 

11am - Holly goes to bed for her daytime sleep. I sit at the table with Francis to supervise his maths and handwriting practice. Then rush around cleaning toys up from the entrance and passageway so the tradie who will be coming soon can actually get in the doorway. 
- Try to print out a worksheet for Francis because he has powered through his school day and needs something to do. The printer wont work so I draw both the boys a dot to dot. I can't draw!!
- We all sit in the lounge and I read a book to Savannah, then Arrow, then Francis.They all listen in to each others stories. 

12pm - I begin making lunch. The children have avocado and cheese or vegemite and cheese sandwiches. I have a large salad with tin salmon and beans. My lunch is interrupted to help miss S onto the toilet and get her changed. I'm getting tired, I send the children outside to play and I eat dark chocolate, and check my emails and facebook and read a few articles online. 

12.50pm - Holly wakes, a little earlier than I was hoping. I give her lunch and clean the kitchen a little bit while she eats. The children come inside and eat some fruit and yoghurt. I sit and feed Holly a yoghurt.

1.15pm - I read the children the Christmas story then set them up on the computers for their online Maths Seeds lesson. 
- I hang up the second load of laundry. 

2pm - I make some phone calls and fold laundry 

3pm - Luke gets home, I begin cooking tea. 
3:30pm - Luke and I have a cup of tea together, the children are done with school work and are playing together. I eat muesli because I'm really hungry and growing a baby. 
Luke reads all the kids a story. I give Holly a cracker, she's getting a bit grizzly. 
3.55pm - We motivate to children to tidy up their rooms and the lounge and passageway. Luke helps them.
The kids are allowed to watch ABC2 on the ipad now that the toys and things are picked up. 
- I head out for a walk with my dog Sandy 

4.50pm - I'm back, check casserole and put some laundry away - Holly kisses me! She is adorable!

5pm - The ipad is off and I put some rice on for tea

5.40pm - We eat tea

6.10pm - I disappear into my bedroom to have a quiet minute, eat some mint dark choc and update my blog. 
- Luke washes dishes!!!! - he is an amazing guy btw.

6.35pm - Luke helps the older kids with teeth, toilet and PJ's while I play with Holly and put her PJ's on. 

7pm - Family worship time. Luke plays guitar and we sing a Christmas carol. 

7.25pm - After bottles, sippy cups, more stories and prayers the children are in bed.

Luke and I chill out, eat supper and watch a movie and head to bed around 10.20pm. 

And there you have it, that's us on a regular day at home. Though 'regular' always seems to be changing - but that is just a part of life.




Friday, 11 December 2015

Fit and Healthy Friday's week #5

Welcome again to my new series called 'Fit and healthy Friday's. Where I'd love for you to join me as I reflect on how my week went with how my fit and healthy pregnancy aspirations are going.I started this as a way to keep myself on track but you are welcome to join me and read along.

21 weeks pregnant with baby no#5
Hello to Holly there too, crawling around on the grass, yes she's still crawling, none of my babies have been in a hurry to walk

Exercise completed: 3 fast walks between 15 to 35 minutes each.1 set of squats
Exercise goals: To do some arm toning weights this week.

Weight gained this week: 100 grams
Total weight gained so far this pregnancy: 6.4kg. 

A few sample days menus of exactly what I ate:
*Keep in mind I'm pregnant, so in no way am I restricting calories, I eat until I'm full. I'm focusing on nourishing my baby, keeping my blood sugar levels stable (sugars low, adding protein with every main meal) and keeping my weight gain steady. 

Day one.
B: Muesli, half a banana with almond and cashew milk (E)
MT: Whole grain rice crackers with hard goat cheese (XO)
L: Large salad with roasted sweet potato and tuna (E)
AT: Honey dew melon with 1 spoonful coconut yoghurt, 2 squares of dark choc (XO)
T: Zucchini fritters (XO)
S: Berries with 1 spoonful coconut yoghurt (FP)    

Day two.
B: Muesli with almond milk (E)
MT: Paleo bar (XO)
L: Salad with eggs. Choc, peanut butter fudge (S)
AT: Rock melon (E)
T: Sausages with salad (S)
S: Berries with chia seed pudding  and dark choc (S)  

The food I eat is nothing interesting really, but I've found that consistently eating healthy meals is what keeps my weight in check. I always eat a very healthy lunch, my downfall is snacking. This is where I find I can go overboard. Things I've done in the past to help me from eating too much at snack time is to take a handful of nuts, or whatever I'm eating and to put the rest of the packet away out of sight. Also to sit down when I snack and not rush around. I tend to savor what I'm eating more, enjoy it and am less likely to reach for more.
*The letters S, E and XO are types of meals from the health book "Trim Healthy Mama Plan" by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison. 
*B = Breakfast, MT = Morning Tea, L = Lunch, AT = Afternoon tea, T = Tea (our main meal), S = Supper (I can't survive without a snack in evening when I'm pregnant) 

Food goals:
To bake some thing from the latest 'Nourish' magazine. I love this mag and everything looks so healthy and tasty!

See you next Friday! 

Blessings, Peta 

How about you
I'm a chocoholic and sometimes can't resist treats like dried mango. Do you have food downfalls that you can't seem to stop yourself from eating?
