Monday, 8 February 2016

Back to school for the Goddard's

The summer holiday's are coming to a close and school is just over the horizon. The summer holidays for us has involved settling into our new home and learning the ropes of our new town and exploring the surrounding area. We made a few trips to the beach and many trips to the library. We also had a lovely, refreshing 3 days spent back on the farm staying with my parents. We came home loaded with mulberries, boysenberries, apples, apricots, plumbs, greens from the garden and tomatoes. As well as my mums apricot jam, mulberry jam and dried apricots and dried mulberry leather. Gardening has become my parents full time hobby now they are retired, and we are all enjoying the fruits of their labour!

This year I'll have two school boys! Here is a little snapshot of our two big school boys. And what our two little princesses will be up to also.
Francis (6) - Year 1 at our local primary school. He has had his first piano lesson with his new teacher too.
So...he's thrilled about going to school this year, hopefully the weeks get better as they go along

Arrow (turning 5 next month)- Reception at Goddard Home Academy. I'm thrilled about home schooling Arrow this year. Arrow is excited about his weekly swimming lessons too. And drum lessons with an experienced and excellent drummer - his dad! 

 Here is a snapshot of the decided curriculum for our reception student:
  • English:  Rod and Staff preschool books, moving on to LEM phonics program. Daily read aloud, basic readers and ABC Reading Eggs. 
  • Maths: Rod and Staff preschool book, Boost Maths books, ABC Maths Seeds
  • Bible: Gospel Light 'Big Book Of Bible Stories. Monthly memory verses, Family worship songs
  • History/Geography/Science/SOSE/Health: Books borrowed from the library on a topic chosen by Arrow and I. The next few weeks we are reading books about trees and rain forests.  
  • Music: Drum lessons and family worship songs together
  • Physical Education: Weekly bike rides and swimming lessons
  • Art: Drawing and colouring in. 
  • Character: Chores, make bed, tidy his room, put PJ's away.

Savannah (3)- Pre-school with her mummy at Goddard Home Academy. As well as beginning ballet lessons. 
  • Rod and Staff preschool ABC series. 

Holly (17 months) -  will be pulling all the books off the bookshelves, practicing her walking and being extra cute :)

Blessings to all the mums doing school this year. Pray lots, it's what gets me through every moment. 



  1. Wishing you a wonderful year.
    Does your husband have any online drumming lessons he could recommend? We bought a drum kit for the children, excellent kit but haven't begun anything formal

  2. Thank you Erin! I'm not aware of any online lessons. Have a look at youtube? Drums has been a big hit with our children since we bought a junior sized drum kit a few years ago, it's loud but lots of fun. All the best, I hope you find some good lessons.
