I'm checking in for my weekly fit and healthy update. I missed last week as we were visiting my parents on their farm and had a lovely few days catching up with some family and friends and eating lots of apricots and plums from dad's orchard.
I am 27 weeks pregnant and am having little pregnancy symptoms! (besides getting bigger!) I have had a very cruisy second trimester and my baby is getting stronger. I adore feeling her kicking and wiggling around.
Here is my fit and healthy journal from the past week:
Exercise completed: ...umm...nope
Exercise goals: It's been sooooo hot here lately! But that's just an excuse right?? I am going to try to get up earlier and walk while it's still cool. Of course this will mean I will need to discipline myself to go to bed earlier, something I am not so great at. I enjoy the quiet house so much after the children are all asleep that I'm always in denial that it's my bedtime. Hmm is this where one of my boys gets this from???
Total weight gained so far this pregnancy: 10kg.
A few sample days menus of exactly what I ate:
*Keep in mind I'm pregnant, so in no way am I restricting calories, I eat until I'm full. I'm focusing on nourishing my baby, keeping my blood sugar levels stable (sugars low, adding protein with every main meal) and keeping my weight gain steady.
Day one.
B: Bacon and eggs and tomato (S)
MT: Plums and apricots (E)
L: Chicken and salad (S)
AT: Dried mulberry leather, rice crackers (XO)
T: Bolognese with quinoa and spinach and vitamin greens (S help)
S: Berries with homemade chocolate frozen moose (S)
Slow cooked lemon chicken with pumpkin and chickpea salad and tomato and cucumber salad |
Day 2:
B: Muesli, almond yoghurt and a banana (X0)
MT: GF Muesli bar (E)
L: 2 sushi rolls, 1 peach with grapes and almond yoghurt (XO)
AT: Corn thins with apricot jam and peanut butter (XO)
T: Chicken with pumpkin and chickpea salad and tomato and cucumber salad and kale. 1 row of dark choc and dried paw paw (XO)
S: Rock melon with almond yoghurt (XO)
*The letters S, E and XO are types of meals from the health book "Trim Healthy Mama Plan" by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison.
*B = Breakfast, MT = Morning Tea, L = Lunch, AT = Afternoon tea, T = Tea (our main meal), S = Supper
Food goals: Continue to eat lots of dark leafy and other types of green vegetables with my meals.
See you next Friday!
Blessings, Peta
How about you?
Are you good at going to bed/getting up early?
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