In the middle of the first trimester a few months ago, trying to put on a brave face for the family. |
I wrote this post a few years ago, but I thought I would re-post as I have some pregnant friends at the moment. The photos are updated. Hope this can be some kind of help for someone. :)
Dealing with morning sickness or
'all day and all night sickness' is tough.
I would love to give you some tips on how I
personally deal with morning sickness during my pregnancies. I
know every
pregnancy and every person is different, but I really hope I
can help you.
Here's a snapshot of what I'll be sharing with you:
My personal experience
· Practical advice
· Diet advice
· How the rest of the family cope.
The excitement of a positive pregnancy test begins to fade a
little when morning sickness arrives. For me the nauseous
feelings begin at around 6 weeks and keep getting more
intense until 12 weeks. After 12 weeks I still feel sick but it begins to get a little better as every week goes by until I'm
16 weeks along. Today as I write this post I am 23 weeks
pregnant and I'm now energetic and as long as I eat well, I
don't feel sick at all anymore. Yay! It's a great feeling for me
to have made it through another first trimester. My baby is
moving around and it feels amazing! What a miracle a new
baby is!
While I have morning sickness I tend to feel very nauseous
While I have morning sickness I tend to feel very nauseous
like I'm going to throw up, but I don't throw up if I am very
careful to follow my 'anti sickness' plan that I'm about to share
with you.
Begin with planning, rush to take action
From the moment I discover I'm pregnant it's a race against
Begin with planning, rush to take action
From the moment I discover I'm pregnant it's a race against
time to organise myself and my family until the sick feelings
arrive. I usually have a 2 week period from the time I find out
I'm pregnant until morning sickness arrives. And once it does
arrive I can hardly leave the house.
During this time I:
During this time I:
· Plan meals and do a large grocery shopping trip. I stock up
on nappies, household supplies like toilet paper and
toothpaste. I ensure the freezer is well stocked of meat
frozen fruit and veggies and bread.
· I cook up big batches of meals and freeze them.
· I ring and make any appointments for myself or the family
that need to be dealt with sooner rather than later, like the
dentist etc.
· I even cancel or postpone all the appointments that have
already been booked for the next 3 months. If there is a
family trip that's planned, we normally postpone this too
until I'm feeling better.
· I tell my mum very early on in the pregnancy so she
knows. Then she usually helps me out with a few meals
while I'm feeling the worst.
· I make sure I have all the supplements I need and the first
aid kit is up to date.
· I hire a cleaner, nanny and house keeper to assist me for
the next 3 months...NOT really! Haha...that is in my dreams. (But if you can do this then go right ahead!!)
Eat, eat, eat...protein, protein and more PROTEIN!
· Cut sugar out of your diet. Seriously, when I don't eat
anything processed and anything that contains sugar I feel
SO much better. Processed carbs and sugar can cause
insulin levels to rise then crash dramatically. It causes us
to feel sicker and also faint and shaky.
· Eat something rich in protein every 1.5 - 2 hours. Don't let
your stomach get empty. Push through the sick feelings
and nibble slowly on something. For me I was guaranteed
to feel a little better within 10-20 minutes after nibbling on
protein. This is my MAIN advice that has helped me
through morning sickness. I ate protein like clockwork
every 1-2 hours all through the day and even if I woke in
the middle of the night. If I was having a bad wave of
nausea I would open the windows, lay down, breath slowly
and deeply and nibble slowly on nuts. This stops me from
vomiting or gagging.
· Protein rich foods that are great for me are; nuts, fish
(usually cooked salmon or a tin of tuna, salmon or sardines), hot or cold roast chicken, cold roast lamb, steak, nut butter like almond or peanut butter with celery or carrots, hard boiled eggs, chick peas. (yogurt and hard cheese would be great too, but I am badly intolerant to dairy)
· Follow your cravings. Your body really does tell you what
nutrients you need. And if even the thought of eating a
certain food makes you feel like gagging...DON'T eat it.
I don't normally eat many white potatoes but there were
days that baked potatoes with a tin of tuna were all that
could settle my stomach. I avoided spices too, the plainer
the food the better.
· Ice cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice is
refreshing. Or a homemade ice tea. If it's winter time I
recommend drinking ginger tea between meals.
· Go to bed early, always before 10pm. Being tired actually
makes you feel sicker.
· Another thing that can make you feel sicker is if you are
stressed. Don't be afraid to ask others for help, your
husband, your children (if they are old enough), church
members, your parents or in laws where possible. I would
feel so sick if I was rushing or trying to get ready to go out
somewhere. Many times I had to cancel an outing because
my morning sickness was exasperated by the stress of
trying to get ready and out the door. I would end up laying
on my bed feeling very faint and extra sick. It's because of
many instances like this that I now try not to commit to
anything with other people during this time. Just grocery
shopping or going to church can be too much. But it's just
for a time so I push through, knowing the day will come
soon when I'll be feeling great and back to church and
other events.
· Invite a friend over that you won't feel stressed about
having them there for a visit. Let them know before hand
how you are feeling so they wont mind if you excuse
yourself to munch on nuts and chicken or lay down. I find
having someone 'from the outside world' come in to see me
and have a chat when I'm really housebound really
refreshing. Because I am a people person it helps me from
falling into a lonely depression.
How do I keep up with the rest of the household tasks
during morning sickness?
· I don't keep up. Simple as that.
· While I'm feeling my worst I don't make it much further
from the bed to the couch to the toilet. My husband stays
home from work some days and other days I gather all the
children and spend the day occupying the couch at my
mums house.
· I do keep up with the washing though. I shove a load in the
washing machine after breakfast and hang it inside
because it's less strenuous than trekking out the outdoor
· Most of the other household cleaning gets put on hold and
I go into what I call 'survival mode.' Where my main focus
is on the necessities that keep my family alive.
· Meals are most important, I would always have meals
planned, they were just simpler during this time. Many
times I would ask Luke to bring home a roast chicken from
the supermarket and we'll just eat that with some steamed
veggies or sliced up cucumber. Often I would defrost some
chops or sausages but by the evening feel too sick to cook.
So Luke would step in and cook up what I had planned.
· Luke takes over the children's bedtime routine during this
time too and gets up in the middle of the night if someone
wakes. This has helped me tremendously. I'm so blessed
to have such a helpful husband!
· On the days where Luke is at work and my mum can't
help, I often have just snuggled on the couch reading books
with the children. If I really need a break and am getting
desperate I will pop a DVD on the computer monitor for
them to watch.
· I will cut corners where I can, go back to disposables and
stop washing nappies, buy bread instead of making it, I've
even used paper plates in the past but now that we have a
dishwasher I don't bother with this anymore.
Try to stay positive, this time will end!
· Stay positive. Try to think of all the joyful things of
pregnancy, like feeling your baby move or of course getting
to hold and meet your beautiful new baby when it's all over!
· Pray alot. All day long. "Lord help me to get through the
next three months, today, the next hour."
· It can be a hard time for every member of the family. My
children tend to act up more when mummy is laying down
sick. And my dear husband Luke is exhausted by the extra
work load that he has to take on at home. But pregnancy
certainly is a very very special time. You are nurturing a
new life. Your children will get the gift of a new sibling to go
through life with. Pregnancy can be a cuddly time, when we
spend alot more time as a family because we are idle at
home a lot more. I get a buzz from the warm cozy feeling of
turning my home into a 'nest' for our new baby.
Update: I have found I have felt less sick overall when I take vitamin B complex and magnesium supplements along with my usual supplement regime.
God be with you while you are experiencing morning
God be with you while you are experiencing morning
sickness. It's not an easy time, but so so worth it to bring forth
another precious baby.
Blessings, Peta xo
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